Trail Conditions

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Trail Maps

Summer and Winter Maps

Main Trailhead

56641 Osceola Rd Calumet, MI 49913

Swedetown Trails Club

Since the 1960s the Swedetown Trails Club (STC) has been dedicated to providing the best trail experiences possible at the Swedetown Recreation Area in Calumet, Michigan. Club members work to connect people to trails, nature, and each other through recreation. The club promotes year-round non-motorized sports by supporting trail use, development, maintenance and related sports education at Swedetown Recreational Area. The STC and Calumet Township work together to provide responsible, sustainable, and positive recreation amenities for all trail users.

The club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit governed by a board which meets monthly (second Tuesday at 7 pm) at the Swedetown Chalet. All are welcome to attend board meetings. 

The annual all-member meeting and officer elections are held each year in November. Send questions and suggestions by email to or contact any of our officers or board members.

Club Documents

Board Members 2024-2025

Larry Zurawski, President (; 630-525-0529)
Craig Hughes, Vice President
Jan Haase, Treasurer
Corrinne Weaver, Secretary
Kyia Anderson
John Galbraith
Mark Jindrich
Cynthia MacDonald
Jen Shaud
Pat Toczydlowski
Kim Wilson
Dean Woodbeck

Contact Swedetown Trails Club

Chalet phone (December through March only): (906) 337-1170