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Summer and Winter Maps
Main Trailhead
56641 Osceola Rd Calumet, MI 49913
Latest Report & Webcams
Summer and Winter Maps
56641 Osceola Rd Calumet, MI 49913
There’s a full moon on February 23. Cross your fingers for clear skies and plan to come to Swedetown between 6 pm and 8 pm for a moonlit ski and snowshoe. Moonrise is at 5:40 pm and sunset at 6:30 pm, so you might catch a pretty sunset, too!
We’ll have the chalet open for refreshments and plan to have a fire pit for eveyone’s enjoyment.
Swedetown Trails Club
P.O. Box 214
56641 Osceola Rd
Calumet, Michigan 49913
906-337-1170 (Chalet Phone)