Trail Conditions
Latest Report & Webcams
Trail Maps
Summer and Winter Maps
Main Trailhead
56641 Osceola Rd Calumet, MI 49913
Latest Report & Webcams
Summer and Winter Maps
56641 Osceola Rd Calumet, MI 49913
The Swedetown Trails Club is looking for part-time snowmobile operators to groom ski and snowbike trails from December through the end of March. Pay is $18 per hour, 10-20 hours per week, includes weekends, mostly morning hours. If you are interested, leave a message at (906) 337-1170 or complete the form below.
For more information, see the complete job description, as well as the Swedetown Trails Club’s grooming philosophy and expectations.
Swedetown Trails Club
P.O. Box 214
56641 Osceola Rd
Calumet, Michigan 49913
906-337-1170 (Chalet Phone)